FREE Keyword Research for SEO in 2019 (3-Step 100% Working Blueprint)

So if you want to know my keyword research process using free tools, on how I find low competition keywords on for my website then watch this video until the end. This video is lesson four of our affiliate marketing mastery course where I show you on how to scale an Amazon affiliate website from $0 – $1,000 per month. Click on the “I” button here to watch all the videos of this playlist.

You should also follow me on Instagram, my username is “DMANKUR” I take live sessions almost every alternative day, where I answer all your questions, so make sure you follow me. Before doing keyword research you must first select the niche of your website. If you’re watching our affiliate marketing mastery playlist, then you must have already seen our lesson two on niche research. In this lesson I’ll show you how to find a low competition niche for your website. So I recommend you guys to click on the “I” button here and watch that video first before watching this video. Once you have finalized your niche, now it’s time to find low competition keywords for your website. Although I personally use a paid keyword tool called “ahrefs”. But since not all of you will be able to afford the expensive tool, I’ll be showing you everything through its free alternative.

Which is equally good, and it’s called “ubersuggest”. Also if you don’t want to waste your time doing keyword research for your website, and want an excel sheet that I created after comprehensively researching about the best low competition keywords. I have categorized them into low competition, medium competition and high competition and also talked about the profitability of each keyword. So if you want that excel sheet, all you have to do is like the video, subscribe to our channel and comment with “yes, I want it”. If we reach 1,000 likes, subscribers and comments on this video, I will share the link for the excel sheet on the description section of this video.

So let’s go into my laptop screen where I’ll show you how to find the right profitable keywords for your website. Finding the right keywords for your Amazon website is not that difficult, and I’ll be showing you the exact process. Usually I don’t follow the same strategy that other SEO experts follow, that they will try to find keywords and they will check its individual competition.

I don’t do that. I’d rather directly go to my competition who is already ranking one on the main keyword, and then I try to find all the related keywords for which he is ranking. And strategy has helped me scale my website from 0 – 1.2M visitors per month. So let me tell you how it’s done. So first let’s open Ubersuggest free tool by Neil Patel. So let’s say your affiliate website is about best washing machines.

So what you do is, go on to Google, search for “best washing machine in India”, okay. So this is the hook. So what you have to do is, go to the first website that is ranking number one on Google search results. So these are the preview snippets. This is the 0 position, you don’t have to take this. Rather take the first position that is ranking. So this is from “Bijili Bachao” Open the website… okay, so the article is “best washing machines in India” Copy the URL, paste it here, English/India, select the country as India if you’re targeting the Indian audience. Let’s see, go to the top pages…. Now let’s find the article that we were searching for, the article is “best washing machine in India” So best washing machine in India is the 2nd most popular in this website and it is ranking number 1. So best washing machine in India has the potential of 22,000 of traffic. So let’s say we have this here in niche research, let’s say we go for washing machine, okay, so the traffic is 22,000, okay.

And washing machine has the percentage of… I have to check it here, I think it’s the percentage of appliance, I’m not sure. It must be 8%… but the conversion rate is 0.01 as I’ve told you earlier. Usually the conversion rate of people who visit your website is- 1% actually end up buying the product. Average selling price of a washing machine is somewhere close to- let’s find it out. So let’s open Amazon… and let’s go for washing machine. Right, so average price is somewhere close to around… Rs13,000, right? So we’ll add the average price to around Rs13,000. And the commission is 0.08, right? So let’s see, the commission that you will get. So this result is the multiplication of all of these. So you will be making a total of Rs22,880 per month, approximately if you’re ranking number one. For your target keyword which is “best washing machine in India”. So the best part about this strategy is all you have to do is click here on “view all” and this will give you the list of all the various keywords for which this article is ranking and also along the position with it.

So for this particular keyword, which is the most popular keyword in the washing machine segment, which has the volume of 14,800… this article is ranking number 2. Again, best washing machine, number 3. So this way, all you have to do is click on “export to CSV” and you’ll be able to download the complete list of all the keywords for which this article is ranking, right? So let’s see here. So you were able to download, almost 220 keywords, right? And primarily in my research what I’ve done is that I try to optimize my website for just the top 20 keywords.

Because that alone is more than enough for- the Google to understand what the article is about and the rest of the keywords are automatically ranked. So let’s say I am writing an article about the best washing machine in India, what I’ll do is- I’ll go and find the first ranking article, I’ll put it on Ubersuggest, I’ll take the top 20 keywords and optimize my article around those keywords, and that is more than enough guys. That is the simple process. Don’t make the keyword process too complicated. And also, stop using Google Adwords. I’ve seen so many YouTubers are recommending the Google keyword planner for the keyword optimization, don’t do that. Rather use this amazing tool of Neil Patel. And the best part is you already know that this website is ranking number 1. And you already know that this website is driving such an amazing traffic. So all you have to do is steal the competitor’s keywords. This is better than finding the keywords yourself, right? And I’ve been using the same strategy for my affiliate websites and I’ve been really successful with this strategy as well.

So let’s do it for some other keyword as well. Okay. So let’s say you go for some other category. Let’s say… we go for “best mobile phone under 10,000”. Okay. So what we’ll do is, we’ll go to the first result, which is the 91Mobiles result. We’ll copy the URL. We’ll go to the URL bar paste it here, English / India because we’re targeting the India country, select search…okay, it’s loading… though it seems to be a little slow. So let’s wait a bit. And you can see that there are multiple options as well you can see the keyword ideas, you can also see the backlinks- okay. So it’s open. So we are searching for this particular article, right? The best mobile phones under Rs 10,000. You can see that it is running 155 traffic.

So all you have to do is find all the keywords for this particular article, because it is already ranking number 1. Just click on “view all” and this gives you all the keywords for which it is ranking. Okay, somehow this result is not too good. So let’s check the Digit article, copy it. Paste it here…and search. So this article, best phones under 10,000, it is driving 229,000 visitors per month and let’s click on “view all” to find all the keywords for which it is ranking.

Best budget smart phone, best budget phone… So these are all the keywords for which it is ranking. So this is the strategy and similarly you can check the other articles for which this website is ranking as well, like best pones under Rs15,000, etc. The best particular strategy for finding the right keywords all you have to do is export the keywords and then optimize your article along these keywords. And also you can go to the keyword ideas and find like, “best mobiles” in English and in India… so let’s search. And this will give you a lot of ideas regarding the best mobiles. Okay, best mobiles… and also the best part about this particular keyword insider is that it will give you the search difficulty… how difficult it is for you to rank your article on number 1 position on Google.

So 66… it’s yellow, it’s not really too easy to rank because it’s a very complicated term because the traffic volume is really high, the competition is also really high. Similarly, best mobiles under 10,000. A very high search volume of 110,000 and the competition is also high because 64 is a really high number, right? SD means SEO difficulty or search engine difficulty, right? So this is also a great way to find related keywords.

So honestly guys, there’s no other complicated technique that you need to know to find the right keywords. All you have to do is use this free tool called Ubersuggest. And either you can put URL of your competitor in the URL bar and find all its keywords and export it or you can write the keyword yourself and find the ideas along with the search engine difficulty as well. Because one thing that you have to keep in mind is that keyword is not the only thing that matters. But the competition level is also what you have to look for.

If the competition of the keyword is high or low, right? Like you can see here for this particular article the best mobile phones in India for July 2018, this article is driving 110,000 visitors per month. So this article must be making a lot of money from Amazon affiliate account, right? So you can see the keywords for which it is ranking, best mobile, best mobile phones. And also the SEO difficulty like how difficult it is to rank number 1 for this keyword like for best mobile the SEO difficulty is really high, so anything more than 35 or 40 will be difficult for a single man army… if you yourself are doing the SEO, writing the articles and everything. It will be difficult for you to rank number 1. Not at least a month… it will take at least a year or more than a year. But if the ranking- SEO difficulty is less than… somewhere close to 30 – 40 or maybe less than 30, then it will be much easier for you to rank number 1 and make affiliate commission.

This is why the niche research video is why I really want you guys to watch it again, because it’s the combination of the niche research- you would want to go into a niche which, where the competition is low. And by the competition I mean the SEO difficulty is low so that you’ll be able to rank your articles as number 1. At the same time, the profitability of the niche should be higher. That is the percentage commission you’ll be getting for every person who buys the product from your link is high.

At least in the range of about 5. Like 5%, 8% or 10%. Apart from that you can- usually I don’t do this, but still you can do this, like if you’re looking for “best washing machine in India”, okay. So here also- you’ll get some suggestions… you can also load these keywords as well in your excel sheet. The final excel sheet of the keywords that you want to optimize. You can use the suggestion bar as well. You can also add a space here, before “washing” and this will give you any other word that is before “washing machine in India”. You can also optimize for this. And also at the bottom of the articles you will find various other keywords. So this is another technique to find related keywords for your target article. But the one I would recommend is to use Ubersuggest and download all the keywords, that is export the keywords and that is more than enough. You don’t have to make keyword research too complicated guys and still if you have any questions regarding keyword research all you have to do is comment below this video and I’ll make sure I’ll reply to you within 6 hours to 12 hours.

And I’ll solve all your doubts. I really want you guys to succeed and create a profitable Amazon associate website for yourself and share your success story in our Facebook group or whether email it to me. Directly share your success story with everyone else so that they can also get inspired. I really want you guys to succeed. So this is the perfect process to find the keywords and you don’t have to make it complicated, just follow this and that is more than enough for you guys. If Ubersuggest is something that you don’t like and you want to use something else, then you can also try this Chrome extension called “Keywords Everywhere”. It’s a free extension and whenever you are searching for a keyword like this, it will show you related keywords on the right side of your desktop or the laptop screen here. Like I’ll search for… let’s say I search for this best washing machine in India, and it showed me all the related keywords. Along with the search volume and the CPC and the competition as well. Okay, you can also export these keywords as well from “export CSV” option.

So this is another option that you can use to download the keywords and match the competition and if you want to spend some money and you really want to get the best SEO metrics out there then I recommend “ahrefs”. I’ve been using it for many years now, it’s the best SEO tool out there. I know it’s really expensive but it has a free trial of $7 per 7 days.

So if you want do it what you- you can follow the same procedure like I mentioned in the Ubersuggest. So all you have to do is copy the article title (URL) go to site explorer, enter it here… make it select URL and search the article. And it is showing you that this article is driving approximately 15k traffic and the number of referring domain is 3 so yes, the competition is not that high, the competition is low. And to find the right keywords for which it is ranking, all you have to do is go to the organic keywords section and this will show you all the keywords for which this article is ranking on which position.

Like the main primary keyword is “best washing machine in India” and for which it is ranking number 1. And the volume is 14,000, and similarly you will find all the related keywords for this article as well. And you can again export this keyword list by clicking here on ”export” and download the list. So this is another method that I highly recommend also it gives the keyword difficulty. In Ubersuggest the keyword difficulty is less than closer to 35 is more relatable, but here ahrefs has a different metric. Here the keyword difficulty less than 10 means that the competition will be extremely low and you can directly write an article about this particular keyword and get it ranked on Google easily. And also since the commission rate is high for this particular niche and also the search volume is significantly high because 14,000 is a very good search volume, you will be able to make good money if you’re targeting this particular niche. And… you can also use ahrefs. Apart from that you can also use the keyword explorer here for ahrefs again.

Select “India” and write “best washing machine” and search for it. And it will give you a lot of keyword ideas related to this like here it says that the best washing machine has a keyword difficulty of 16 which is medium. So it’s a good keyword you can target it. And again the main keyword being “best washing machine in India” with 14,000 volume. And also the best part about this is like if you click on any of the keywords here, it will tell you all about the search result metrics that are already ranking on Google and the competition level on each of them.

Like we are searching for “best washing machine in India”. If you go here, this is the search result. Like we have a featured snippet, like- this is the featured snippet, right? The number 1 article which is ranking is from Bijili Bachao. It has 3 referring domains and 3 backlinks. Similarly, the 2nd article has 9 referring domains and 14 backlinks. And all of these… and it also tells you the amount of traffic that each article is getting, right? So this feature is really helpful for me and this is why I use ahrefs because Ubersuggest gives you a more overview, but then again Ubersuggest is free and you don’t have to pay any money. But if you really want to scale your Amazon affiliate website then I highly recommend you guys to invest some money in ahrefs, because this tool will really make your like easier it will- and the best part is its backlink database is tremendous, so you can easily use it to find backlink opportunity and get your article to the number 1 position.

Because yes, keywords matter a lot but apart from that you also need good quality backlinks. And also this feature I really like because you directly get a picture of the competition of what kind of backlinks you need. And also now that we have selected the keywords, so now you must be thinking, okay, Ankur I have the keywords, I have followed your technique, I’ve used Ubersuggest I’ve used Keywords Everywhere, I’ve used ahrefs, now I have the perfect list of keywords, I also know the competition level… now how should I write the article? I want to know how to write the article, right? So we have a separate video on how to write the perfect SEO-friendly article it is in the same playlist of the affiliate marketing mastery playlist and in that particular video I’ll be showing you exactly how to write the perfect SEO article so you can rank your article even without backlinks. Even in that, the primary strategy will be looking at your competition and writing an article better than that.

Now again, since we’re talking about keywords, look at the number 1 result, this is the article ranking number 1 for our target keyword. You can see how well he has optimized his article. Like you can see that the main keyword “best washing machine in India” that’s how he started the article. Okay, the main keyword is right, and the title as well. And also he has bolded, like “best washing machine brands in India” “Top Models”…”best washing machines in India”… he has bolded the keyword, so to put more stress. And this is how he has optimized his article around the keyword.

I will be talking more about this in our SEO-friendly article video. So make sure you watch that video as well in this playlist. And make sure you watch the entire playlist because you’ll be getting a lot of value and a lot of knowledge about keyword research, building backlinks, SEO and more than that. So now let me go through the mistakes that people make while selecting keywords. So the first mistake that people make is that they select keywords with high competition just because the search volume is really high.

So if you go for a keyword like let’s say “best mobiles”. Again the competition is comparatively a little higher. Like best mobiles in the 15,000- yes the search volume is a little higher but then again look at the backlinks of this particular website has who is ranking number 1. He has 31 referring domains. If you’re a single person who doesn’t have a team, you’ll be doing the SEO yourself, creating 31 backlinks will be difficult. It looks easy, but trust me guys it’s difficult especially in 2019 when creating backlinks is very, very hard. This is why I mentioned this multiple times in the niche selection video of our affiliate marketing playlist. Where I tell you to go for a niche which has a high commission rate but again the competition is low. Because if you’re single-handedly building the website, targeting a high competition niche will be extremely difficult for you because you don’t have a team. You don’t have the resources. And in the end you’ll end up losing money. So make sure you go for the low competition or a medium competition niche and similarly look for the low competition and medium competition keywords so that you’ll be able to scale the website to such a level that you are making good money.

So what are your next steps? Click here to watch the next lesson. And click here if you want to watch our complete affiliate marketing mastery course, where I show you how to scale a website from $0 – $1,000 per month..

Read More: SEO Writing: How to Write SEO Content 2020

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